2016国际(WBC)比赛介绍 比赛流程以及报名方式介绍

WBC的比赛内容主要是由三个部分组成的:Espresso,Cappuccino 和 Signaturecoffee 即浓缩咖啡、卡布奇诺和创意咖啡。以往对于卡布奇诺的要求是相当严格的,单份的浓缩咖啡和打发牛奶混合,奶泡的厚度不低于一厘米,容器的大小也被限定在150~180ml之间。怎样在如此严格的要求之下做出美味而又凸显出咖啡风味的饮品一直以来都是参赛者的巨大挑战。新的变动把"cappuccino course"替换成了"milk coffee course",对于奶泡的厚度不再做硬性的要求,而且容器的大小也放宽到了30~240ml。
关于milkcoffee course的变动,WCE上的解释是:
After fifteen years of focusing on a single definition of a milk drink on the WBC stage, we think it’s time to open up the milk beverage course to something that better represents where we are today as an industry: open-minded to anything new and delicious.
"I’m also looking forward to seeing new combinations of milk and coffee being explored."Matt 谈到牛奶咖啡上的变动时,也表达了对未来咖啡师们创造力的期待,但是更多的可能也是对咖啡行业的一些隐忧。
"The freedom to choose the volume of the drink will promote laziness and could result in the stagnation of Roasting and Barista technique."
"I love me a good Cappuccino. Well made Cappuccinos are rare. These changes could put them on the endangered list." 当下一杯完美的卡布奇诺其实已经比较少见了,Matt担心规则的改变会让完美卡布奇诺的出现率更少。
同样的担心也来自于2009届的WBC冠军Gwilym Davies,"The capp is the most difficult milk drink to make: the balance of foam depth, bubble size and temp is a skill baristas should have, like being able to pour a classic capp, not just a swan.
I like a 5oz single Capp made well and it is very difficult to get, I fear it will now be even harder.”

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